Duct Cleaning Average Cost:
It is very important to clean the ducts in your home from time to time. Although some homeowners clean their homes every year, a quality recommendation is usually made within 3 years. Duct cleaning can remove dust and debris from your home, as well as pets, scales, and other debris that build up in your vents over time. If you have not clean your ducts for a long time this will increase the moisture, mold and dust, dirty particles inside your vents, which can cause a negative impact on your breathing.
The average length of a house in the US is 2400 square feet. It consists of an average of ten rooms and hallways. So, when we talk about a duct cleaning average cost then it will be $35 per air duct. But most homeowners pay around about $350 to clean the air ducts of their home. Moreover, the Environmental protection agency (EPA) recommends that the price of cleaning the ducts ranges from $ 400 to $ 1,000.Must clean your home ducts every1 to 2 or 2 to 3 years to maintain the efficiency of your system and improve the indoor air quality. The size of your ducts, the level of contamination, the number of holes, and the easy access are related to the price.
Overview And Importance of Duct Cleaning:
Before discussing more duct cleaning average cost. Let’s talk about the importance of air ducts and dryer vent cleaning. Most of the time your Ductwork is connected to the central HVAC system. It carries the treated air (heated or circulated) to the living area in the production lines. These are called vents. Duct cleaning ensures that it is a way through which the allergens and other pollution are easily removed from your ducts. And you will breathe easily in a clean and healthy environment. This is very important for all human beings because EPA recommends that indoor air pollution will cause a major health risk.
HVAC Duct Cleaning Cost:
After discussing duct cleaning average cost. Now talk about HVAC duct cleaning cost. Cleaning the ductwork means more than just cleaning the pipe. It is also important to monitor and clean the sound system and/or stove, as taking care of all system components is one way to ensure that the system is efficient and effective. Le’s see the average cost of HVAC duct cleaning.
- Swamp Cooler (int/ext) average cost per unit is $10-$100.
- Window Mount (int/ext) average cost per unit is $5-$40.
- Central unit (int / ext) average cost per unit is $25-$60
- Wall mount (ext/int) average cost perunit is $15-$45.
Ductgurus will provide you all the services that are affordable for you. And our work is qualified. We are always there for you to help and make your home, office, or building indoor air quality best.
Which Factors affect Duct cleaning average cost:
There are some factors that change the price of duct cleaning that you pay. These two things matter a lot First one is, which company you will choose for cleaning your ducts. And the second one is how many vents and furnace your home should contain. Here are some factors that will affect the duct cleaning average costs.
Size And Type Of Ducts:
The size and type of ducts play a very vital role to affect the price of duct cleaning. The large ducts need more effort and time to be cleaned as compared to small ducts. That’s why it will cause a great impact on duct cleaning average cost.
Base Pricing:
Most of the companies at the start will advertise or start their business of cleaning the air ducts or dryer vents at a low price. This is usually a very modest cost for duct cleaning work. The base price is usually slightly lower than the average price, as each house has a few more items. Many companies, at this price, will include the first furnace, sometimes with 7-11 vents.
In most cases, the estimated price is a list of about $125 $200, but for most homes, the average final price(duct cleaning average cost) is usually around the US $350- $ 500.
why do you need to know about Base Pricing?
Base pricing is very important here the company will state the pricing strategy according to customer need. That’s why some homes are made simple. They have only one furnace and the number of vents is small. This price pattern makes sense for most businesses and employees because with this duct cleaning is available to people at an affordable price.
Extra Vents:
Many of the basic prices include a fixed number of vents, and any additional costs above are priced at the vents. These prices vary but are usually between $7 and $13. The first thing you should do before contacting a ventilation company is that you should walk around the house and calculate how many holes you see on the floor. You can also count the larger vents on the wall because they are also must be cleaned. In this way, you will get a clean and healthy atmosphere. So, this will affect the duct cleaning average cost.
Dryer Vents:
A common practice is to clean the duct hole near the pipe. Since the lint of your clothes can build behind the dryer, it can also be stowed in the vent. Some companies will pay for it too, be sure to ask when you get an offer. This can range from $ 10 to around $ 70. This is a very important factor that affects the duct cleaning average cost.
Quality of the company:
Make sure that company you are going to hire for cleaning your ducts is reliable for you or not. All the cleaning companies are not the same. Because they only offer duct cleaning services. But ductgurus, we will offer additional service of furnace and ac products, kitchen cleaning, garden cleaning, bathroom cleaning. Moreover, all the cleaning services you need. This means that with a qualified and well-ranked company you can guarantee peace of mind with recommendations for your entire system so that you are covered in the future.
All these are common factors on which duct cleaning average cost-based. Hope so you have got much more from here. There is also a common question asked that that duct cleaning is a waste of money. For this, we say that this is not a waste of money if you are hiring the right company. Furthermore, visit Here.